
Showing posts from July, 2021
Hello, this is Goli shreya roll no 45,medical student.  I have been given the assignment to check our ability to connect with and capture patient Centered data  and also the ability to connect with and engage in shared learning with their peers through peer review feedback.  Below is the link to the questions given to us:- We have been given 5 questions to assess the ability to connect with and capture patient-centered data and the ability to connect with and engage in shared learning with their peers through peer review feedback. Question 1 I went through the previous assignment of G Preethi Roll no 43 and breifly reviewed all her answers. Here is my review of her assignment-  1Q-  Each case was breifly explained. Cheif complainys, symptoms,diagnosis and Treatment details have been provided.  She has breifly mentioned about the insights, which must hve been done a little more in detail.  2Q-

45 Goli Shreya

Hello All ! This is Goli shreya , a third semester student. This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This is an ongoing case. This blog post will be updated regularly. A 70 YEAR OLD MALE WITH SOB AND SWELLING, DISCHARGE FROM RT. LOWER LIMB( CELLULITIS)  Chief complaint : • Altered sensorium , since 2 days • SOB grade IV , since 5 days • Pedal edema grade III, since 7 days • Rt. Lower limb cellulitis, since 7 days History of presenting illness: • A 70 yr old male, farmer by occupation, was apparently asymptomatic 2 yrs back.  • Had h/o CVA 2 yrs back and for which he used medications for 4 months, and stopped.  • k/c/o HTN since 2 yrs and is on regular medicatio
GENERAL MEDICINE ASSIGNMENT-2021 NAME -GOLI SHREYA( 3 rd SEM)  ROLL NO -45 We have been giving 5 questions to assess the ability to connect with and capture patient centered data and ability to connect with and engage in shared learning with their peers through peer review feedback. Below is the link to the questions given to us:- QUESTION-1 1)NEUROLOGY ink to case;- Insights:- Efficacy of each drug was well mentioned. evolution of symptomology well explained. it was well comprehensable, easy to understand. 2)PULMONOLOGY: Patient details: ttps://  Insight :-  event timeline of symptom occurrences in the patient were very well explained It was clear and comprehensible.  3)CARDIOLOGY:  Link to case- https://muskaangoyal.b