
Showing posts from August, 2022
45 Goli Shreya , 5th sem This elog depicts the patient -centered approach to learning . This is an online E log book recorded to discuss and comprehend our patients de-identified health data shared , after taking his /her /guardians signed informed consent . This elog also reflects patients centered learning portfolio. CASE 45 Goli Shreya , 5th sem This elog depicts the patient -centered approach to learning . This is an online E log book recorded to discuss and comprehend our patients de-identified health data shared , after taking his /her /guardians signed informed consent . This elog also reflects patients centered learning portfolio. CASE- This is a case of 50 year old female who came with chief complains of left lower back pain and vomitings from morning CHIEF COMPLAINTS    Lower back pain on the left side from morning 4 am. Vomitings from morning  Constipation since 3 days Date of admission  : 22.07.2022 HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Patient was asymptotic 13 years back which when